Long Day

This day got off to an ugly start with a visit to the doctors. It wasn’t earth-shattering news, but nor was it particularly pleasant.

Short answer with maybe a longer post later when I feel more up to it, but the thing taken out of the wife’s brain was a “low grade tumor” in the medical terms. It really wasn’t all that interesting, as it was small, and was not growing, but the medical community does not view brain tumors as “benign”. The doctors recommended we just watch for any change. We’ll be getting a second opinion, but I think we’ll hear more of the same.

The yucky news is it could be the thing in her brain will grow back. Could be soon, could be in 50 years, could be never, and if that happens it could cause problems. But right now the tumor is gone, the Mrs. hasn’t had a seizure in over a month and will be starting work on Monday, and she’ll be having a follow-up MRI in December.

With a little luck this won’t be an issue for a LONG LONG time, but it sure was shitty to hear that there was an issue at all.

I think I’ll be going to bed early tonight.

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0 Responses to Long Day

  1. bluesun says:

    Lotsa space in there to fill up, right?

    Praying for you guys…

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Actually saw the MRI Files from 24 hours Post Op. The Docs in much more formal talk essentially said that the scan was a bloody mess, and it looked as such. But indeed, I was quite surprised at the tissue removed. And actually your point is a VERY valid one, as with Benign tumors the risk they pose is messing up signal paths, but also putting pressure on healthy tissue.

      Well the latter won’t be an issue if the cells grow into the new space formed from the surgery.

  2. Bob S. says:

    I sorry to hear that it wasn’t fully the news you wanted to hear. I know it doesn’t help but trust in the Lord to look out for you and your Missus, He does have a plan. (I just wish we could look at his Day-Timer occasionally).

    The news that she hasn’t had a seizure in a month is terrific.

    We’ll keep you both in our thoughts, hearts and prayers my friend.

  3. Scott McCray says:

    You two are still in my thoughts and prayers – one day at a time, a month sans seizures is good news indeed.

  4. Dragon says:

    In my thoughts and prayers, friend….

  5. julie says:

    Sorry to hear the news. Thoughts and prayers to you both.

  6. Jake says:

    There is some good news in the bad, though: If it does come back, they should be able to remove it again if necessary. Not pleasant, or easy, or even 100% safe, but a relapse should be just as treatable as it was this time – and they’ll know what to look for, too, without having to do nearly as many tests.

    But hopefully, it won’t come back at all.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yep honestly overall its a risk factor, and one with a lot of positive solutions. So you’re observations are VERY valid!

      It best not come back, because if it does, we’ll fucking KILL it! You listening, tumor cells? We got your number, and we gots MRIs and mo’fuggin’ gamma knives!!!

  7. JD says:

    Hang in there! Glad things turned out good. Will be thinking about you and the Mrs. . .

  8. Pat says:

    In our thoughts and prayers. Hang in there …

  9. PISSED says:

    I hope things turn out okay for the wife and you… seems to be we are hearing alot more of this kind of news lately.

  10. Jennifer says:

    Of course we are thinking of you two. You are in our prayers

  11. K says:

    So sorry to hear the news, but try to keep in mind that the docs always give you the worst case scenario. Possibilities and actualities are very different things. Actuality now is; she’s fixed. Nonetheless will continue to keep you both in my prayers.

  12. DaddyBear says:

    We’ll be keeping y’all in our thoughts and prayers, Weerd.

  13. Old NFO says:

    Thoughts and prayers for you and the Mrs…

  14. SCI-FI says:

    God bless you and the missus.

  15. Thoughts and prayers, brother. I hate to hear stuff like that, but it is comforting to know that she’s about to return to work, etc. I pray that all’s well.


  16. Wally says:

    I tried posting this on Saturday but my phone barfed on the WV. To rephrase-

    I know this seems like a setback but don’t view it as such. Lab results said there was something in the tissue that was not right. Well that isn’t exactly new information. I believe you said that scans over the past 10 years had shown no change, so it isn’t like it was fast moving or rapidly progressing. Continued monitoring and treatment will take a few days out of your schedule, but if something does happen, it will be detected immediately.

    Still in my prayers tho, and let me know if I can do anything at all to help.

    • Weerd Beard says:

      Yeah that’s pretty much the page we’re on. The tumor was so un-aggressive that they watched it for nearly 2 decades without even THINKING it was a tumor. Even when the surgeon had it in his hand he didn’t think it was a tumor, it wasn’t until they sectioned it into slides and looked at it under a microscope did they realize it was a tumor.

      Honestly if it wasn’t for the fact that you simply don’t turn your back on brain tumors, we’d probably just shrug and forget abut this one. So its serious news that its was a brain tumor, and she’ll be doing the whole MRI thing on a regular basis now to watch the area, but until we see something we’re not going to get too riled up about it.

  17. Patrick says:

    Keep a stiff upper lip, you two! You’ll beat this with sheer determination! Besides, you have too many people pulling for you.

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